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Bajuband Designs At Kushal’s


The luckiest part of being an Indian Bride is you get to indulge yourself in exquisite ornaments from head to toe. In all the jewellery you are going to adorn yourself, Bajuband is one of the heritage ornament that you get to wear especially on grand occasions like weddings and divine celebrations. This simple adornment worn on the arms around the bicep area and has a history of royalty and is as impressive as the legacy it carries when worn with the silks and embroidered velvets. This grand ornament is eye-catching when made with precious metals and embellished with stones and beads.

Bajuband is also known as armband is acknowledged to grace the bride with a sense of pride and confidence, blessing her with good luck and strength to fight off misfortune. Anciently bajuband was worn by the people of royal courts and as well tribal people signifying their bravery. Bajubands that fit snugly around the upper arm can dress you up magnanimously on your wedding day and will complete your bridal look by adding a heavenly touch.


3 Things To Consider 

For The Bride While Choosing Bajubands

Design Highlights: Bajubands having varieties, you need to thoughtfully pick the one design that would match the arm embroidery of your blouse. Choose a wider bajuband with short sleeves and a simple one with a highlighting pendant for longer sleeve lengths.

Colours: While marriage is all about vibrancy you need to choose wisely what your bridal look would be, either you can go with all glowy golds, shiny silver or add a zing with colours. Go with the one that would complement your overall jewellery.

Closure Style: Hook and eye, drawstring and press-cuff are some common closure styles that are available in bajuband, always prefer the one that would be comfortable for you and in which you can move your arms easily.

Exclusive Bridal Bajuband Designs At Kushal’s

Bajubands, that hail from ancient times, has unfolded in various designs with numerous stones and embellishment styles. If you are a Bride-to-be, then you sure should go through the options available in bajubands to choose the right bajuband that will suit your Kanjipuram most lavishly.

Vanki Bajuband: The Ceremonial Vanki famed for enriching the Bride's of South India portrays a unique design, which is ancient and dates back to the royal era of the Dravidian timeline. These ornate ring-type Bajuband can just be slid onto your arms to charm up the sleeve of your Silk blouse.

Peacock-Pearl Bajubands: As the name speaks, the beautiful engraves of these bajubands host dancing peacocks with their feathers fanned out and dangling pearls.

Silver Temple Bajubands: Bajubands made out of precious metal in holy temple designs is all that a bride would need to feel divine on her wedding day.

Antique Zircon Bajubands: A fusion of zircon and antique bajuband designs is a brilliant combination to enhance your bridal glory on your wedding day.

Guttapusalu Bajubands: Classic Guttapusalu that emerged from the coastal pearl fishing of Andhra, is now, one of the Time-honoured designs that feature a fringe of pearls lining up to form the beautiful Bajuband.

Largest Varieties of Bridal Bajuband Designs From Kushal’s

Cuff Bajubands: These are bajubands with pressing cuff style closures that are all you need to get through the dressing session quickly.  

Temple Bajubands: As the name suggests, these temple bajubands host beautiful figurines of the goddess Lakshmi as the highlight of the design.

Floral Bajuband: Bajubands with floral design patterns feature the beautiful elements of leaves and flowers with minimal stones.

Drawstring Bajubands: Classic drawstring closures are always the better choice when it comes to bajubands as they are simple and quick to use.

Zircon Bajubands: Zircon bajubands are a little fancier for a modern bride on her reception, these present contemporary designs to match the designer sarees.

Kundan Bajubands: These are Rajasthani special Kundan embellished bajubands for all the Rajputi married women who wear them as a symbol of their marital status.

Kushal’s Fashion Jewellery always aspires to present the most versatile collection of jewellery in terms of design and aesthetic, these bridal special ornaments are all inspired by the heritage and legacy of jewellery that is left behind by the ancient royal courts.